4 Ways to Create Luck and Subconscious Mind Shifting

Posted by Rebecca Dawson on

4 Ways to Create Luck and Subconscious Mind Shifting

Successful people believe in luck, they expect and demand luck. Luck can be attributed to the power of positive thinking. The wealthy and successful expect to remain in favorable circumstances, and they usually do so. It is what many would consider their super power. The wealthy and successful believe that luck is a mindset and that anyone can change their luck by a slight shift of mindset. There is a way to shift your patterns of thought over time, it is not easy, and it requires consistent work and practice. Here are some great tools to assist in subconscious mind shifting.

  1. Meditation. This is a quieting of the mind, an opportunity to stop the clutter and open up to hear your subconscious thoughts. Your subconscious mind likes to keep you on autopilot and sometimes drive you strictly out of previous habit. Meditation is the time that we quiet the autopilot and listen to our inner voice.

Meditation takes practice and a quiet place. Try utilizing a meditation guide until you are fluent with the process. Make sure that deep breathing is a part of the meditation process. I like Tibetan bowl sounds, but everyone has their own preference.

  1. Stop negative Thoughts and Redirect. When a negative thought comes to your mind, clear it. I talk to my negative thought using my inner voice. I let them know that I am on to them and them I immediately redirect my thoughts to something that I am heavily goal and laser focused on. It quickly moves my mind away from the drama that my evil brain is trying to create.
  2. Forgive & Move On. You need to practice clearing and forgiving of others. It took me a long time to get this, but likely the person that hurt you is not dwelling on the hurt they caused you and they are most likely sleeping well at night. So, forgive them for you, not for them. I am not saying that you must continue the relationship as status quo, I am just saying that holding on to hurt causes blocks that you can’t afford on your journey. A quick clearing method that I like to use is a mantra designed to clear, and I have gotten quick with this. For more information on this, check out the blog dedicated to clearing and forgiving.
  3. Positive self-boost. Self-talk is for real and can make or break you. For 21 days, look in your mirror and proclaim something positive about yourself. Say the same thing multiple times per day, write it on your mirror so you remember and watch to see how you transform. If we say it enough, our ego starts to hear it and our mind starts to make a shift towards believing it. Interestingly enough, our subconscious is a recording of the things that we have been telling ourselves over and over, for years without even knowing. I dare you to try this and change up the old recording, you might just find a quick shift in mindset which carries out to other areas. See my blog on positive self-talk to understand more about how this works.

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