3 Steps to Jump-Start the New You

Posted by Rebecca Dawson on

I struggled for years working in a corporate job at 100 hours per week, carrying stress and failed relationships due to a need to climb the corporate ladder. I wasted precious time and moments that may have otherwise been spent with my family. It was a struggle to maintain football games, swim meets and cheer competitions and when I did make it to the big game or family dinner to follow, I was usually interrupted by phone calls and/ or text messages from work. The corporate world does not allow us to unplug ever.

Chasing this, what seemed unattainable lifestyle that my family could enjoy proved to be a never-ending hamster wheel. I paid a shit load of money for an MBA to continue my journey up the corporate ladder, to make more money, work more hours and take more time from my family. I earned a six-figure income, but no quality of life, as a matter of fact my quality of life began to deteriorate due to the lack of time for exercise. My main goal since I started in the field of healthcare and then moving into human resources was to help people. The higher I moved up the corporate ladder, the heavier the tasks but also the more I was removed from my passion.

One day while I was vacationing at Disneyland with my family, I started receiving phone calls from work. This required that I leave my family in line for the ride and step off to the side to handle a situation that could have easily been handled by my covering manager. I missed the ride that I had waited an entire year to ride, which by the way my family enjoyed thoroughly. This is when I decided that change was necessary.

Since that day, I have worked diligently to change my life, with the goal of creating a business based on people. I desire to assist people who have struggled like myself. Because I know that there are many women out there that want to have a better life, want to make more money, want to have more time for family or maybe they want to achieve a six-figure income at the corporate level and need to understand that you can unplug and still generate a six-figure salary. Many times, those that work less hours, unplug and rest can produce far more than those that work 60 hours per week and burnout.

Here are 3 steps that can get you started on your new path:

  1. Decide what you want and write it down daily

Clear goals are a must, to get where you want to be you must have a clear vision of what that looks like. For me, it was self-employment and a plan to help as many people as possible why working from where I was. I created the ability to work from home or anywhere I may be. I also enjoy the flexibility of working when I want to, this usually happens over a few hours every morning.

  1. Do something you are passionate about

Do something that ignites your soul or find passion in what you currently do. The why power of what you do helps move you forward to completing your goals. As an example, I am passionate about changing peoples lives and helping them to transform to meet their passion. I find success in your success.

  1. Be willing to get uncomfortable

Change is painful sometimes and to move forward we must deal with some pretty uncomfortable and maybe downright ugly self-sabotaging crap to get a breakthrough to the level-up. I have been through much of this, sometimes we women are tough to crack but we can rewrite our self-limiting beliefs and level-up. I am here to help you through this.

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